Tour the School
Considering enrolling your child at Carthay
Center Elementary School? Then take a guided tour of the
All tours have been completed for students entering in Fall 2011. The next school tours will be in early 2012. Please join the mailing list so that you will be notified of upcoming tours and school events. To be added to the mailing list, email Susan Nickerson at
[email protected]
Urgent: Financial Support Needed
you may know, California public schools have been devastated by this
year�s budget cuts. The Carthay Center PTA is collecting funds to save personnel and programs whose funding has been cut.
The Carthay Center PTA has established a PayPal account so we can offer you a familiar and secure way to make
your donation. The PTA is run by parent volunteers so all
donations are used to benefit students. Please don't wait on this crucial
opportunity to show your support.
Use the convenient options below to make a contribution to Carthay via
Help save valuable programs and personnel.
School for Advanced Studies
Carthay Center Elementary School has been designated a School for
Advanced Studies! All currently enrolled gifted and high achieving Carthay
students will be automatically included in the program, and gifted and
other high ability learners from outside the attendance boundaries can
enroll as well. Our very own Garden of Possibilities will be featured in
the curriculum! This designation will apply to grades 3-6 for now. Please
visit for more information.
The Garden of Possibilities
Get involved with Carthay Center Elementary School! Improve your
gardening knowledge! Please email Teresa Dahl,
Friends of Carthay Center Garden Chairperson, to volunteer, learn more, or
to find out other ways you can help this garden grow.
Realtors Support Carthay Center Elementary School
Friends of Carthay Center is delighted to announce the 2008-2010 Carthay Center Elementary School Realtor Supporters. The realtor
supporters contribute to Carthay Center Elementary School through the sale
of homes. Please consider these upstanding community members for the
sale of your home, or simply pass them referrals and leads. Doing so
will ultimately support your school! Find out more about all the
realtors (and the program) on the Realtor
Supporters page.
School Calendar
Click here to see the LAUSD calendar for 2010-2011.
Click here to see the LAUSD calendar for 2011-2012.
Carthay Center PTA
a lot going on with the Carthay Center PTA! If you
have not joined the Carthay PTA, please do. Membership is only $7 per
person and forms are available in the front office or the Parent Center
and on this website. PTA raises money for expenses related to school
field trips and other educational and academic needs at Carthay. And
every expenditure is approved by PTA members, so you are part of the
decision-making process! Supporting your PTA is supporting all of the
children at Carthay! For more info, please contact
Richard Lindstrom , PTA Vice
President and Membership Chairperson.
STAR Enrichment Classes
Center Elementary is proud to provide
STAR Education after
school. STAR Education has been selected as a model program by the White
House and the U.S. Department of Education. In addition to the regular
after-school program, STAR offers a variety of reasonably priced 8-10 week
enrichment courses at Carthay, open to all students. STAR classes and
programs are designed to encourage kids to explore, grow, encounter the
world, and expand their cultural base.
Shop for Carthay!
is a search engine you can use to benefit our school. Be sure to
choose �Friends of Carthay Center Elementary School (Los Angeles, CA)�
ID: 825065 as your beneficiary.
Help us earn cash for our school by supporting our
Box Tops for Education fundraising program. Collect "Box Tops for
Education" logo from products you buy everyday and bring them to the
Parent Center. |
Every time you shop
Amazon, please start with this link. By
linking to Amazon through the school website, a small percentage of
the purchase price will be donated to Friends of Carthay Center (FCC).
Shopping this way will not add anything to the final price. It will
however benefit your neighborhood school. Thanks and happy clicking!
Purchase Beautiful Note-Cards
and White Photo note-cards capture the architectural beauty of Carthay
Center Elementary. There are 5 different designs in each set of 20.
Click here for information on the cards and how to purchase. |
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web site. |
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available. To stay current on what's happening, add this page to your
favorites and and visit at least once per month. Depending on your
browser software, you may be able to
click here
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We'd love to hear from you! Click
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